Katerina Kaloudi

Katerina Kaloudi -  - Himalayas-India-1994

Here and there ❭

00.Ara chloropterus, 2013.jpg

Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 00.Ara chloropterus, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 01.Agapornis,2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 01.Scarlet-macao, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 01.Water-woman, 2007.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 02.Amazona albifrons, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 02.Fertility, 2007.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 03.After mModigliani, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 03.Ara ararauna I, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 04. After Georgia O’Keeffe.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 04. Ara ararauna III, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 04.Fairy, 2009.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 05.Cacatua moluccensis, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 05.Descent II, 2009.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 06. Ara ararauna II, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 06.Descent I, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 07.Balearica regulorum, 2013..jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 07.Dress, 2008 .jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 08.Belly button, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 08.Nyctea scandiaka, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 09.Seabirds, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 09.Womb, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 10.Untitled, 2009.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 10.Uria aalge, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 11.After the full moon, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 11.Yin Yang, 2009.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 12.Corvus corone cornix, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 12.Seed.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 13.Canis lupus familiaris, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 13.Communication, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 13.Untitled III, 2009.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 14.Reference to fertility, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 14.Untitled, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 15.Sand Dollar, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 15.Untitled IV, 2009.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 16.Anas platyrhynhos, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 16.Embrace, 2009.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 17.Existence, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 17.The circle,2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 18. I love you +, 2014 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 18.Withdrawal, 2007.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 19.Papilio, 2014. .jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 20.Cicadidae II, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 20.The forest, 2008.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 21.Male & Female, 2014. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 23.Attacus Atlas, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 24.Panthera Leo, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 25.Odocoileus virginianus, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 26.Anas Platyrhynhos, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 26.Giraffa camelopardalis, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 27.Anthya fuligula, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 29.Basiliscus plumifrons, 2014.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - 30.Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 2013.jpg Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - A gypsy woman helping her husband collect scrap on their pickup truck. A common profession for the gypsies. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Aegean Sea, on the boat 1990 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Aggelis’s parents, Larissa Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - although grand father had passed away long before my birth, his engineering tools are among my collection of symbolic and sacred little things Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - At night the floor will be covered with the colorful mattresses and fabrics for the family to sleep, Kato Ahaia Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Athens, Syntagma, 1990 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Athens, Zappion, 2003 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Athens-Greece-1991 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Attacus Atlas male, 2014. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Attiki, Dionissos (1989) Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Attiki, Korinthos, 1993 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - aunt Kitty as a young girl with pigtails; photograph with funny dedication to my father Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Basket weaving, Tyrnavos, Thessalia Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Benson & Hedges cigarettes were imported from the US Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Big blue, 2009. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Black desert, 2009. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Call from the seashore, 2008. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Carrying their votives to the monastery of Tinos. Some believe that by crawling all the way up will make their vow stronger. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Company in her solitude, 2005. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Cooking in her tent-house, Thiva, Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - could not believe that grandmother’s puff box was still in this house! Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Cyclades, Santorini, 1987 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Cyclades, Santorini, 1988.JPG Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Cyclades, Serifos, 2002 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Dodecanese Karpathos 1992 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Dodecanese Karpathos 1992. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Dodecanese Karpathos, 1992 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Dodecanese, Karpathos, 1992 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Dodecanese, Karpathos, 1992. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Dodecanese, Karpathos, 1992.01 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Dodecanese, Karpathos, 1992.08 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - dropped into the world; it starts from a drop of protoplasm Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - During weddings and feast days, each family dances in turn on the dance floor. The boys can look at the girls and vice versa Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Exotic meltemi, 2008. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Farewell dance with her father and uncle. After the wedding, the young bride has to move to her husband’s family house. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Florence-Italy-1987 Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Fortune teller and sorcerer Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - from their love, I was born Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Golden whispers, 2009. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - grandmother Eleni had the golden touch and could say the best bedtime stories with the magic apple and the door to the other world Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - great grand mother passed away while giving birth to her fifth child, my grandmother Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Greek gypsy girls in their house. Kalo Ahaia Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Gypsy camp outside Larissa Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Gypsy children, Thiva Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Gypsy women plait their hair Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Hanging the wedding dowery, Tyrnavos. Katerina Kaloudi - Here and there - Himalayas-India-1994