Katerina Kaloudi

Gypsies ❭

Wedding celebrations

Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - A gypsy woman helping her husband collect scrap on their pickup truck. A common profession for the gypsies. Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Aggelis’s parents, Larissa Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - At night the floor will be covered with the colorful mattresses and fabrics for the family to sleep, Kato Ahaia Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Basket weaving, Tyrnavos, Thessalia Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Carrying their votives to the monastery of Tinos. Some believe that by crawling all the way up will make their vow stronger. Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Cooking in her tent-house, Thiva, Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - During weddings and feast days, each family dances in turn on the dance floor. The boys can look at the girls and vice versa Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Farewell dance with her father and uncle. After the wedding, the young bride has to move to her husband’s family house. Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Fortune teller and sorcerer Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Greek gypsy girls in their house. Kalo Ahaia Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Gypsy camp outside Larissa Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Hanging the wedding dowery, Tyrnavos. Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Horse breeding gypsies, camped in Tyrnavos, Thessalia Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Make shift outdoor bathroom in the gypsy camp, Tyrnavos Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Potato harvest, Thiva Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Setting up their house in a new camp site Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - The bride’s trousseau is exposed before the wedding, for everyone to see. Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - The greatest pride for a gypsy couple is to have many children.Tinos Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - The often sleep at the back of their pickup truck Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - The young gypsy girls remain at the camps to look after their siblings while their parents leave for work Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Thiva, 1991. Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Wedding celebrations Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - Young gypsy girl, prepared for her wedding Katerina Kaloudi - Gypsies - “Latsho drom”, on the road heading to a new camp site

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